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Lash Care Amid COVID-19

Lash Care Amid COVID-19

Posted on March 25 2020, By: Juliana Cavender

Lash Care Amid COVID-19

Hi friends - we hope this email finds you WELL! These are unprecedented times but we hope you are healthy, safe and positive in spirit. 

We are incredibly bummed to close our doors but honor the time away to ensure we are all well and remain that way.

THANK YOU for choosing us as your Estheticians, Lash Artists and friends. The most difficult part of this break will be not seeing each other and YOU


We will be reaching out in regards to rescheduling your appointment(s). Your initial appointment will be rescheduled as either a:

  • 3+ week appointment, a $10 upchargeOR
  • $80 full set 

When you return you may have some or no lash extensions left - and that's OK! Depending on your retention, we will consult with you whether your initial appointment will be a 3+ week or a full set. 

We are offering $80 full sets to our existing, returning clients. We understand these circumstances are affecting everyone. 


TIPS on how to care for your lashes during this time: 

  • Clean lashes last longer. Cleanse 2-3 times a week with your lash extension-safe cleanser to promote hygiene and retention. Need a cleanser? All online orders receive 15% off plus FREE shipping
  • Do not pick or pull your lashes. Less is more - less touching, picking, brushing. Need a growth serum during this timeYou can purchase online
  • During this time you may want to consider an extension-safe mascara. A water-based mascara can help extend the life of your extensions and give you a little more "oomph". Again, you can purchase online!